Custom bundler extensions#

The notebook server supports the writing of bundler extensions that transform, package, and download/deploy notebook files. As a developer, you need only write a single Python function to implement a bundler. The notebook server automatically generates a File -> Download as or File -> Deploy as menu item in the notebook front-end to trigger your bundler.

Here are some examples of what you can implement using bundler extensions:

  • Convert a notebook file to a HTML document and publish it as a post on a blog site

  • Create a snapshot of the current notebook environment and bundle that definition plus notebook into a zip download

  • Deploy a notebook as a standalone, interactive dashboard

To implement a bundler extension, you must do all of the following:

  • Declare bundler extension metadata in your Python package

  • Write a bundle function that responds to bundle requests

  • Instruct your users on how to enable/disable your bundler extension

The following sections describe these steps in detail.

Declaring bundler metadata#

You must provide information about the bundler extension(s) your package provides by implementing a _jupyter_bundlerextensions_paths function. This function can reside anywhere in your package so long as it can be imported when enabling the bundler extension. (See Enabling/disabling bundler extensions.)

# in mypackage.hello_bundler

def _jupyter_bundlerextension_paths():
    """Example "hello world" bundler extension"""
    return [{
        'name': 'hello_bundler',                    # unique bundler name
        'label': 'Hello Bundler',                   # human-readable menu item label
        'module_name': 'mypackage.hello_bundler',   # module containing bundle()
        'group': 'deploy'                           # group under 'deploy' or 'download' menu

Note that the return value is a list. By returning multiple dictionaries in the list, you allow users to enable/disable sets of bundlers all at once.

Writing the bundle function#

At runtime, a menu item with the given label appears either in the File -> Deploy as or File -> Download as menu depending on the group value in your metadata. When a user clicks the menu item, a new browser tab opens and notebook server invokes a bundle function in the module_name specified in the metadata.

You must implement a bundle function that matches the signature of the following example:

# in mypackage.hello_bundler

def bundle(handler, model):
    """Transform, convert, bundle, etc. the notebook referenced by the given

    Then issue a Tornado web response using the `handler` to redirect
    the user's browser, download a file, show a HTML page, etc. This function
    must finish the handler response before returning either explicitly or by
    raising an exception.

    handler : tornado.web.RequestHandler
        Handler that serviced the bundle request
    model : dict
        Notebook model from the configured ContentManager
    handler.finish('I bundled {}!'.format(model['path']))

Your bundle function is free to do whatever it wants with the request and respond in any manner. For example, it may read additional query parameters from the request, issue a redirect to another site, run a local process (e.g., nbconvert), make a HTTP request to another service, etc.

The caller of the bundle function is @tornado.gen.coroutine decorated and wraps its call with torando.gen.maybe_future. This behavior means you may handle the web request synchronously, as in the example above, or asynchronously using @tornado.gen.coroutine and yield, as in the example below.

from tornado import gen

def bundle(handler, model):
  # simulate a long running IO op (e.g., deploying to a remote host)
  yield gen.sleep(10)

  # now respond
  handler.finish('I spent 10 seconds bundling {}!'.format(model['path']))

You should prefer the second, asynchronous approach when your bundle operation is long-running and would otherwise block the notebook server main loop if handled synchronously.

For more details about the data flow from menu item click to bundle function invocation, see Bundler invocation details.

Enabling/disabling bundler extensions#

The notebook server includes a command line interface (CLI) for enabling and disabling bundler extensions.

You should document the basic commands for enabling and disabling your bundler. One possible command for enabling the hello_bundler example is the following:

jupyter nbclassic-bundlerextension enable --py mypackage.hello_bundler --sys-prefix

The above updates the notebook configuration file in the current conda/virtualenv environment (–sys-prefix) with the metadata returned by the mypackage.hellow_bundler._jupyter_bundlerextension_paths function.

The corresponding command to later disable the bundler extension is the following:

jupyter nbclassic-bundlerextension disable --py mypackage.hello_bundler --sys-prefix

For more help using the bundlerextension subcommand, run the following.

jupyter nbclassic-bundlerextension --help

The output describes options for listing enabled bundlers, configuring bundlers for single users, configuring bundlers system-wide, etc.

Example: IPython Notebook bundle (.zip)#

The hello_bundler example in this documentation is simplistic in the name of brevity. For more meaningful examples, see notebook/bundler/ and notebook/bundler/ You can enable them to try them like so:

jupyter nbclassic-bundlerextension enable --py notebook.bundler.zip_bundler --sys-prefix
jupyter nbclassic-bundlerextension enable --py notebook.bundler.tarball_bundler --sys-prefix

Bundler invocation details#

Support for bundler extensions comes from Python modules in notebook/bundler and JavaScript in nbclassic/static/notebook/js/menubar.js. The flow of data between the various components proceeds roughly as follows:

  1. User opens a notebook document

  2. Notebook front-end JavaScript loads notebook configuration

  3. Bundler front-end JS creates menu items for all bundler extensions in the config

  4. User clicks a bundler menu item

  5. JS click handler opens a new browser window/tab to <notebook base_url>/bundle/<path/to/notebook>?bundler=<name> (i.e., a HTTP GET request)

  6. Bundle handler validates the notebook path and bundler name

  7. Bundle handler delegates the request to the bundle function in the bundler’s module_name

  8. bundle function finishes the HTTP request